When You Receive The Wig It Is Best To Use A Wide-Tooth Comb To Take Care Of, There Are Several Colors And Styles To Choose From,There Are Problems Or Good Advice Please Contact Us
Medium Cap :Size (22.5 Inch) With Adjustable Strap And 3 Combs, Durable, Easy To Adjust.More Healthy & Comfortable & Breath
Advantages of human hair wigs with bangs: Long-lasting, adjustable, easy to remove. Perfect for various events such as parties, birthdays, travel, celebrations, weddings, and graduations.
Short Curly Bob Wig Hair :This product is easy to put on and take off,Because it's a mechanism wig with bangs, it says it doesn't take a lot of time to take care of it
Curly Bob Wig Human Hair With Bangs Hair Style: 100%human hair Healthy, Silky And Soft Touch,Tangle Free ,, Wash it when you get it and it will work better, blow dry and wear it